css - Rectangle with two cut edges - Stack Overflow


I'm not sure what is specific name for this shape but can I just called it "half Parallelogram" ? I want make this shape purely using CSS/CSS3. Any help? or tutorial?

CSS Shapes with rounded corners - DEV Community

Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties

Build Smart CSS-only Layouts with Flexbox

3 ways to display two divs side by side (float, flexbox, CSS grid) - Coder Coder

The Future of Style - W3C

How to make rounded corner cut-out using CSS? - Stack Overflow

Implement a stack using singly linked list - GeeksforGeeks

Steam :: City Bus Manager :: Content Update 4 - Waypoints, Larger Maps, Performance

Seeking feedback on tag colors update - Meta Stack Exchange

Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties

Stack Overflow - Aaron Shekey

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