Program Evaluation Theory and Practice: Second Edition: A


The leading text that covers both the theory and practice of evaluation in one engaging volume has now been revised and updated with additional evaluation approaches (such as mixed methods and principles-focused evaluation) and new methods (such as technologically based strategies). The book features examples of small- and large-scale evaluations from a range of fields, many with reflective commentary from the evaluators; helpful checklists; and carefully crafted learning activities.
The leading text that covers both the theory and practice of evaluation in one engaging volume has now been revised and updated with additional evaluation approaches (such as mixed methods and principles-focused evaluation) and new methods (such as technologically based strategies). The book features examples of small- and large-scale evaluations from a range of fields, many with reflective commentary from the evaluators; helpful checklists; and carefully crafted learning activities. Major theoretical paradigms in evaluation—and the ways they inform methodological choices—are explained. Readers learn effective strategies for clarifying their own theoretical assumptions; working with stakeholders; developing questions; using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs; selecting data collection and sampling strategies; analyzing data; and communicating and utilizing findings. The new companion website provides extensive recommended online resources and tools, organized by chapter.

Understanding What is Evaluation - EvalCommunity

Action Research: What it is, Stages & Examples

Research And Evaluation In Education And Psychology by Donna M Mertens - American Book Warehouse

Program Evaluation Home - CDC

Pre-owned Program Evaluation Theory and Practice : A Comprehensive Guide, Hardcover by Mertens, Donna M.; Wilson, Amy T., ISBN 1462536336, ISBN-13 9781462536337

Theory-Based Approaches to Evaluation: Concepts and Practices

Teaching Program Evaluation: Using a Systems Approach - ScienceDirect

Donna M Mertens

ارزشیابی برنامه[درسی]: نظر و عمل (مرتنز و ویلسون، 2019) - دکتر محمود مهرمحمدی

Theories, Models, & Frameworks

MA in Development - Azim Premji University

Sage Research Methods - Program Evaluation

$ 40.00USD
Score 4.6(523)
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