What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Supermarine Spitfire compared to other WWII fighters like the Bf109 or Fw-190? - Quora


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What was the most effective German fighter in World War Two? What made it better than other fighters like the Me-109, which had drawbacks like slow speed and poor turning? - Quora

What are the differences between the Spitfire and the P-51 Mustang? Which one is better in terms of climbing ability, speed, and power? - Quora

How would the Battle of Britain have gone if the Germans had the FW190 instead of the Me109? - Quora

What are the flight performance characteristics of the Fw-190 compared to the LaGG-3, Yak-1, Spitfire and P-51B/C? Why do you think the Fw-190 was superior to all of them? - Quora

Did the Axis powers try to copy and mass produce the British Spitfire fighter plane? - Quora

What was the best version of the Spitfire for dogfighting with German fighters like Bf-109s and FW-190s? - Quora

Why was the German Bf-109 a better fighter plane than the Spitfire, and why did more pilots prefer to fly this latter plane? - Quora

What are the differences between the Spitfire and Mustang in terms of dogfighting during World War II? - Quora

What are the differences between the Spitfire and the Fw 190? How would they perform against each other if both were flown by an experienced pilot? - Quora

What were the advantages of the Bf109 over other planes like the FW190 and Me262? - Quora

What were the advantages of Spitfires compared to other countries' major fighter planes other than maneuverability? - Quora

What were some of the best and worst aspects about flying RAF Spitfires during WWII? How did they compare to German fighters like Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs? - Quora

How good were spitfires compared to German planes? - Quora

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