Vibrant Pink Carnation Bridal Bouquet


A vibrant pink carnation bridal bouquet with 25 hand picked stems of some of the best pink carnations plus 13 stems of ruscus leaves and 15 whips of lily grass. This hand held arrangement will be prepared just for you with each stem measuring around 14 to 16 inches long. </p><p> The best part about your vibrant pink carnation bridal bouquet is that each one will be wrapped beautifully with silky soft ribbons in the color of your choice. Simply take your pick from a selection of ribbons we have from pink, yellow, white, red and more. </p><p> Global Rose sells hand made bouquets, arrangements and wholesale flowers at prices that are usually much lower than most local wholesalers. All of our vibrant pink carnation bridal bouquet and wedding flowers will be snipped specially for you from our greenhouses just 3 days before they are delivered to your door.

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$ 31.00USD
Score 4.9(379)
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