Rose & Calla Bridal Bouquet


This striking bridal bouquet is made with white roses, picasso calla lilies, purple alstromeria, moon series carnations and seeded eucalyptus. The colors are gorgeous combining white flowers, with the two tone calla lilies and deep purple carnations.

This striking bridal bouquet is made with white roses, picasso calla lilies, purple alstromeria, moon series carnations and seeded eucalyptus. The colors are gorgeous combining white flowers, with the two tone calla lilies and deep purple carnations.

Two weeks advance notice is required to allow time to secure the flowers. 

Delivering Endless Possibilities Evansville & Newburgh, IN

Classic Beauty Bridal Bouquet – Bunches Direct USA

Denver Wedding , Calla Bridal Bouquet

Rose & Calla Bridal Bouquet

Sweet Peach Rose & Calla Lily Bridal Bouquet

EUBUY Bridal Bouquet Bride Holding Flower Outdoor Wedding Bouquet Rose and Calla Lily Bouquet Handmade Simulated Flowers Leaves Love Photographs Wedding Anniversary Decoration

Single Sweetheart Rose Corsage

Orange Calla Lily & Red Silk Rose BridesBouquet - Artificial Bouquets

Wedding Flowers Evansville & Newburgh, IN

Rose Calla Lily Wedding Bouquet Lily bouquet wedding, Calla lily bouquet wedding, Lily bridal bouquet

EUBUY Bridal Bouquet Bride Holding Flower Outdoor Wedding Bouquet Rose and Calla Lily Bouquet Handmade Simulated Flowers Leaves Love Photographs Wedding Anniversary Decoration

A wedding bouquet collection of lilac roses & calla lilies – AbigailRose

Rose & Calla Bridal Bouquet Harrison, Rye & Mamaroneck NY Florist

$ 78.00USD
Score 4.9(466)
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