Pink Lilies with Ruscus


Lillies elegant and long-lasting, with a sweet aroma and soft pink hue. Perfect for any special occasion. Accented with ruscus for added texture.

Lily Asiatic Pink – Bunches Direct Canada

Flower Bouquets Montreal

Flower Delivery Montreal - Same Day


Asiatic Lilies Bulk, Lily Flower Information

A generous bouquet of 20 fragrant premium white lilies with ruscus. Gift-wrapped with care in Westmount Florist’s exclusive packaging.

White Lilies with Ruscus

Soft Pink Spray Roses

Buy Bouquet with 3 pcs. pink Asian lilies with flower delivery

White Wedding Bouquet Roses Pink Flowers and Ruscus Leaves with

Calla lily handtied bouquet with aspidistra leaf and ruscus collar


Pointe Claire Florist - Same-Day Delivery

Flowers and plants for your home

$ 9.50USD
Score 4.9(403)
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