Bouquet Amour précieux de Teleflora


Simply speaking, red means romance. Send this bouquet of vibrant red carnations to your sweetheart and you'll convey passion, energy and desire. Remember also that you're sending not one gift but two: gorgeous flowers and a colorful cube vase.

Souvenirs à chérir – Fleuriste Savard

Take her Valentine's Day breath away with this passionate red rose and white lily bouquet, presented in an artisanal stoneware vase with chic ombre

Teleflora's Charming Heart Bouquet (T21V105)

Sleek and sophisticated, this stunning Valentine's Day surprise features lush red and pink blooms presented in a beautiful vase of European glass with

Teleflora's Sophisticated Love Bouquet - T22V100A

Bouquet Amour de lys et roses de Teleflora

Teleflora Product Gallery September 2022_Canada by Teleflora - Issuu

Teleflora's Purple Perfection (T53-1A) in Chicago IL - Soukal Floral Co. & Greenhouses

Fleuriste Italia (9592 Boulevard Saint-Michel) Floral Delivery - DoorDash

Teleflora Product Gallery January 2023_Canada by Teleflora - Issuu

Teleflora's Precious in Pink Bouquet - Teleflora

Teleflora November Product Gallery_Canada by Teleflora - Issuu

Ourson Calin (Teleflora® - T14V400A) ™

Teleflora's True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses - Teleflora

Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses - Teleflora

$ 24.00USD
Score 4.7(117)
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